The Aiways U6 concept

Its DNA: athletic, progressive, electric.

Created with Lunacy
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The first fully electric SUV coupe. From Aiways.

The Aiways U6 concept car breaks with old traditions and symbolises what is required from a fully electric sports SUV in the 21st century.
This SUV is defined by its coupe-esque contours, sporty driving dynamics and innovative technologies and advanced driver assistance systems.

Built on the same state-of-the-art platform as the U5, the U6 combines proven features such as unprecedented interior design quality, spaciousness and cutting-edge battery technology with progressive design and an even higher level of performance.

The power of electricity, harnessed.

The U6 is the epitome of electrifying sportiness. The interior of the U6 is tailored to the driver’s needs and combines ergonomics and sportiness with sophisticated materials in a completely new way.


Dynamik, in Form gegossen

Der U6 überzeugt mit schlanken Linien und kraftvollen Details. Den Anfang macht die sportliche Front mit speziellen Lufteinlässen (Air-Curtain) sowie 21-Zoll-Performancefelgen in verbreiterten Radhäusern.

Die vollständig verglaste Dachkuppel geht in ein fliessendes Coupé-Heck mit integriertem Spoiler über.

Die gesamte Karosserie ist ausserdem verbrauchsoptimiert in Leichtbauweise konstruiert und verfügt zusätzlich über abgesenkte Türgriffe. So reduziert sich der Luftwiderstand auf einen cw-Wert von unter 0,27 und macht den U6 damit zum Besten seiner Klasse.

Am Heck sehen Sie Rückleuchten in charakteristischer L-Form als Teil der LED-Lichtanlage in allen Scheinwerfern.

Dynamism, moulded into shape.

The U6 features sharp lines and powerful details.

It all starts with the sporty front with special air vents (air curtain), as well as 21″ performance wheels in widened wheel housings.

The all-glass roof dome seamlessly merges into a coupe rear with integrated spoiler.

The entire body is made of lightweight materials to optimise consumption and also comes with recessed door handles. As such, the drag coefficient comes in at below 0.27, making the U6 the best in its class.

The signature L-shaped tail lamps form part of the LED lighting system, which is used for all headlamps.


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Combined electricity consumption1 in kWh/100 km: 13.8 (NEDC); 17.0–16.6 (WLTP)
Combined CO2 emissions1: 0 g/km
Efficiency class: A+

¹The stated figures have been calculated using the legally required measurement techniques. Previously, consumption figures were measured using the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Since 1 September 2017, certain new vehicles have been given type approval in accordance with the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure, WLTP). Compared with NEDC, WLTP represents a more realistic procedure for measuring electricity consumption. As of 1 September 2018, NEDC is gradually being replaced by WLTP. The electricity consumption figures measured using WLTP are, in many cases, higher than those measured using NEDC, which is attributable to the more realistic test conditions associated with WLTP.

We are currently legally obliged to state the NEDC figures. In respect of new vehicles that have already been granted type approval in accordance with WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP figures. Until it becomes mandatory, the statement of the WLTP figures is made voluntarily. NECD values, which are given as a range, do not form part of the offer, as they do not relate to a specific vehicle. They serve solely to facilitate comparison between different vehicle types. Aerodynamics, weight and rolling resistance may change due to optional extras and accessories and have the ability – just like personal driving style and weather/traffic conditions – to influence the electricity consumption and on-road performance of a vehicle. In terms of electric vehicles, in particular, higher or even significantly lower consumption figures may be recorded in real-life conditions.

For more information on the official electricity consumption of new passenger cars, please refer to the Guide on the Fuel Economy, CO2 Emissions and Power Consumption of New Passenger Car Models, which is available free of charge at all outlets, from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, or at